Become a volunteer



Welcome to our page on volunteers. As a charity network, YPA is constantly working to promote intercultural activities in three broad areas-education, community development and agriculture. If you’re seeking to obtain international experience, in any way, YPA is the right place for you. You’ll take part in teaching and community projects. Our volunteering positions are classed in the following three areas.



a – Education:



  • Teach kids and youths in different schools and at different levels.
  • Be part of a local school or training center and participate in all school activities.
  • Organize or take part in fundraising to support YPA scholarships for the underprivileged and the needy.
  • Coordinate sponsorship programs for needy kids.
  • Become a YPA ambassador in your area and promote the visions and missions of YPA.
  • Encourage and facilitate volunteerism in your school and community.
  • Create and establish inter-school and inter-community.  


b – Community Development:

  • Train youths or take part in training on carpenting , electricity, computer science, building and construction, craft, sewing, etc.
  • Design, develop and implement your own training course.
  • Organize or take part in fundraising to facilitate community projects.
  • Take part in YPA campaigns for a clean environment, education and a healthy society.
  • Organize or take part in YPA global village programs , sports etc.


c – Agriculture and Rural Development:

As a measure to empower youths, YPA is working hard to assist them to engage more in agriculture and agribusiness. Agriculture and agribusiness tend to receive less attention from the younger generation since most of them prefer to move to urban centers to look for jobs and better living conditions. As a volunteer, you will :

  • Work hard with YPA to promote agriculture and agribusiness.plantain
  • Take part in training workshops.
  • Help develop and execute micro-projects.
  • Work with small groups of farmers and help in anyway.
  • Be part of a local community and share your experience.
  • Plan and take part in fundraising to support local projects.
  • Don’t worry, you will also learn a lot.

As a volunteer, you can choose from a number of projects based on your interests, skills and experience. Tell us where and how you want to participate as a volunteer, or if youre not sure how you can take part,  dont hesitate to send us an email to There is always a place for you.